Saturday, April 12, 2008

Phrases I wish would go away

There are certain phrases I hear on a day to do basis that I wish would cease to be used. I'm all for the evolution of the lexicon. I also think other people should to. Phrases come and go, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. BlingBling and Jiggy are perfect examples of that. Old white people have been now using these phrases for a couple of years now, thereby proving they are past their sell date. Although, I admit, the phrase Seacrest out is simultaneously out of date and cool to use. Only if you use it in an ironic, hipster way. But I'm sure it will be totally out in about a week and a half. Thus is the problem with hipsters. But there are certain phrases that I feel are now past their prime (if they ever had one).

1. Not so much
"Hey, did you finish that paper?"
"Uh....yea...not so much."

I guess it's supposed to be ironic or hip. Probably both. I know what you're trying to say. It's almost a "NOT" joke (like from Borat) but more subtle. It's tricky. There are certain times when it's ok to use this phrase. For example, if someone asks, "Hey, isn't your prediction for the '08 election that Ross Perot will run and win?", you may say "well...not so much a prediction as a well-educated guess." Perfectly acceptable.

2. Love me some
"Hey, was church good yesterday?"
"Yea, it was awesome! I just love me some worship."

This is often said by girls that have long hair. Not always, but that's the image I have in my mind when I hear this phrase. I've heard guys use it as well. It's not inherently a bad phrase, just played out. I thought it was the cool the first three years I heard it used, but now it's time to give it a rest. The worst is when people say "man, I just love me some Jesus." You should really love you some grammar, too.

3. I'm just a little more progressive
"Yea, I drive a Prius and I only buy Fair Trade Coffee. I'm just a little more progressive."

I know that South Park has already made fun of this phrase, but that is what made me want to go after it. This is usually said by the aforementioned Prius owners, Apple users, and people who think that having an ounce of social conscious is something new and exciting. Granted, not a lot of people do care about the environment, but just because you do does not give you the right to look down your nose at the plebians. The real reason I hate this phrase is that the people who say it inherently say it condescendingly. Get outta here. I have a mac and I pray that I never fall into the trap of being someone that says that.

4. I'm kind of a big deal
"Did you ever see that movie Anchorman?"
"um...obviously. Didn't you just hear me tell Steve humorously that I'm kind of a big deal?"

Look, Will Ferrel might be a comic genius. You, in all actuality, are probably not. The lowest form of creativity, I believe, is quoting movies. And everyone does it. I do it. I think it might be engrained in our psyche. The conundrum is this: If you quote a movie no one knows, no one will catch your reference. If you quote a movie that everyone knows, then you will appear unoriginal. I think we should all just commit to not quoting anything from now on. My roommate John and I were talking about that the other day, and we came to the conclusion that there are certain situations where a well-timed movie quote drop can enhance the conversation and provide everyone with about a solid ten seconds of laughter. Most people cannot pull this off. Let's just stop.

5. Party Like a Rockstar
"Yea, we're going out tonight. We're going to hit up Liquid and Seven. We are going to party like F'ing rockstars!!!"

This phrase is often said by 18-25 year old girls. sometimes by guys. it was also made uber-popular by the Shop Boyz with their song, the appropriately named "Party like a Rockstar." The problem with this phrase is that you are not a rock star. Recently, I was watching "Rock of Love 2: Electric Boogaloo" (not the surname of that show, but it should be). Aside from the fact that Bret Michaels is a genius (which I will discuss in a later post), this particular episode was a perfect example of this. The girls were going out at some point or something and Destiney said something along the lines of partying like rockstars. But the reality is that you are going to be partying with a rockstar. You are a groupie. A groupie is not a rockstar, with very few exceptions. So stop saying it, for real.

I think that's enough for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg trey this post was hilarious.