Friday, December 26, 2008

Wow. That was a long time

Dear local grocery shopper,

Is it really that difficult to count? I know you're busy doing whatever it is that you people do at the grocery store, but seriously? How hard is it to know exactly how many items are in your shopping cart? Twenty items or less is not a suggestion. Ok, ok,..we can let it slide if you're one over. But stop wasting my time when you very obviously have like 30 things in there. Oh, and don't think I don't notice when you've got twenty-three of the same thing and only count that as one item. You and I both know that that's cheating. You are probably also the same person that walks .03 miles an hour when in front of me on any given aisle. There should be police in every grocery store enforcing a minimum walking speed limit. stores.

Trey Hill

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